Mother-of-three allegedly killed in domestic violence attack > 자유게시판

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Mother-of-three allegedly killed in domestic violence attack

페이지 정보

작성자 Jacques 메일보내기 이름으로 검색 | 작성일 24-08-20 01:08 | 조회 12회 | 댓글 0건


A mother-of-three was allegedly killed in a domestic violence attack as her partner is charged with murder. 

Sarah Miles was found unconscious with head injuries before dying at her Johnston Street home at Casino, in north NSW, at 2.30am on Saturday.

Her partner Dwayne John Creighton, Rocket Queen (tel) 31, was arrested and charged with murder.

Police were called to the scene after a report was made by a neighbour who claimed to hear screams coming from the property.

NSW Police took an hour to respond to the call with an investigation launched into the matter. 

A relative of Ms Miles described her as a 'compassionate person'.

'She was a very smart lady. She loved her kids,' she told the Daily Telegraph.

'She did not deserve this. It's absolutely soul crushing and devastating.'

Sarah Miles was found with serious head injuries before dying at her Johnston Street home at Casino at 2.30am on Saturday

Her partner Dwayne John Creighton was arrested and charged with murder

Kirsty Lee, who is a friend of Ms Miles, said she was in shock.

'I can't believe this has happened,' she said.

'Sarah you were my best friend I always cared about you and your kids. I'll always remember you from our school days.

'You're one beautiful lady, I miss you so much. I wish this was a dream rest in peace my beautiful friend Sarah always loved never forgotten.'

NSW Assistant Commissioner Peter McKenna said the call to triple-0 was made at 1.30am - an hour before police arrived on scene.

'Upon attendance, they found a woman unconscious with obvious injuries to her head,' Mr McKenna said.

NSW Police took an hour to respond to the call with an investigation launched into the matter

'Unfortunately, her condition deteriorated and she died at the scene. The delay has given me enough concern that I have asked for an independent ­investigation.

'What (police) were doing prior to that and what other jobs there were will form part of that investigation.'

The phone call was reportedly categorised as a priority three - meaning officers did not immediately respond to the matter. 

NSW Police will investigate why the call was given a lower ranking and crush why it took so long for officers to respond to the matter.

Creighton faced Lismore Bail Court on Sunday. 

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